
  • The sky speaks

    This is my favorite verse for the week and I had to turn it into a Verse Card with one of my recent Tahoe sunset photos. The beautiful sunsets make me want to…

  • Full to Overflowing

    Here are a couple of kids who filled up on something amazing and it shows! One sits in amazement, the other has to tell those around her about her amazement. That is what…

  • Senior Portraits

    I can’t believe this was almost 2 years ago, my daughter’s senior photos. There were so many great ones, I couldn’t pick, and some of these are different than the ones I have…

  • Let the Thirsty Come

    In thinking about my thirsty soul and figuring out How to Fill up on Living Water, I got hung up on John 6:35, “Those who believe in me will never be thirsty” and…

  • A Great Cloud of Witnesses

    Hebrews 12:1 speaks of a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on to run with perseverance the race before us. This made me think of 3 things: 1) The movie Insurgent where 5…