My Soul Thirsts
I am taking a summer long journey, trying to figure out how to fill up on Living water.
Psalm 42:1&2 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O Lord. My soul thirsts for the Living God. When can I go and meet with Him?
I know I don’t have the best deer photos, but these are what I found. I don’t know anything about deer panting for water, but I do realize that my soul longs for God. As I meditate on these verses, I can feel my thirsty soul, longing for the Living God. When can I go meet with Him? Not, I have to do my daily devotions today, but I can’t wait to meet with the Living God today. When is my next chance to fill up on Living water?
This might be about attitude, and I know I can sometimes have a bad one. The only way I know to get a new attitude (Eph. 4:23) is to change my perspective by changing what I think about or how I think about it. The only way I know to change my thoughts is to think more about God so I can think more like Him. I want to be conscious about what I am thinking about, taking my thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5) That’s alot to think about for one day. Happy thinking.