Still Full
This living full is a desire I’ve had for many years and I’m still here, trying to figure it out. So, back to Ephesians, 3:10&11 says God wants to show off his wisdom through the church to make his eternal purpose known in heaven. This takes me back to 2:6 where Paul says that I am raised with Christ which baffles me because raised with Christ is where I want to live, but not how I feel I am living. In struggling with this passage, I realize that my being raised is sandwiched between grace. 2:5 says I’m saved by grace. 2:6&7 says I am raised with Christ and seated with him in heaven to show off God’s grace and kindness. 2:8 says I’m saved by grace, a gift from God. God’s grace sanwiches me and raises me to heaven with Christ, where my new life is. God wants to show off his grace by raising me from the dead like He did Christ in 1:20. That is exerting power on me to accept his grace. I need God’s power to strengthen my inner being so I can accept God’s grace and love and be filled with Him, living new, living full of him, doing the good work He has prepared for me to do (2:10). This is living full. Living with my mind on things above where my new life in Christ is (Col. 3:1-3).
So, reviewing my Tahoe photos, choosing what to print, my husband helped me realize this photo is a better cover photo for my study Below the Surface. It still shows below the surface of Tahoe, but due to less rocks, it looks fuller and everyone around Tahoe knows a full Tahoe is a happy Tahoe. Just like me, living full is living happy, maybe that is why I desire it so.