Living Week 6
Has your definition of Living changed in the last 5 weeks? What does it mean for you to live the abundant life Jesus came to give you? What is the purpose for which God created you to live? Tell me what you learned in this study. I want to hear about it, please leave a comment for all to see or email me directly if it is too personal.

Thank you for taking the time and energy to go through this study of Living in Colossians with me. If you are going through this study alone, please make sure you are answering my weekly questions in the comments each week, I do want to hear from you. At least let me know which are your favorite verses you are memorizing and what they mean to you. And if you need more books, let me know.
Here’s the link to Video #6.

One Comment
Even though I have gone through this study at least 5 times, I still get new things out of it. There is always someone new to encourage and pray for which is what I am called to do, and the reminder to not grow weary in doing good (Gal. 6:9). It is always great to be reminded that Jesus is my: Creator, Rescuer, Redeemer and Defender, King, and Supreme Commander. It was fun to add this time around all the Memory Verses. My favorite verse this time is that Jesus is holding me together (Col. 1:17) and the reminder that I need to Let Him hold me together. It was also fun to add My Purpose List and I hope you use it to encourage you to 4) Grow in your salvation (1Pet. 2:3) and 5) Continue in Pure Sincere Devotion to Christ (2Cor. 11:3).