Living Week 3
For some of you I say welcome back. For many of you I say Welcome to the Video Link for our Living in Colossians Bible Study. If you are curious about the background of my video background, view the beginning of Video #1. Please understand I made this video 3 months ago and forgive me for falling short of any of your expectations.
I’ve been asking a question each week with an opportunity for you to answer for yourself in the Comments. This week, I want to ask, What have you found God’s Treasures to be, and how are they Treasures to you?

I hope you have been enjoying Memorizing Verses. Today’s Memory Verse is Colossians 2:8, “Be on guard against deceiving philosophies, human traditions, and worldly principles that lead to captivity.” (CBV) Enjoy this week’s discussion with your group. I pray it is full of rich treasure finding.

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God’s treasures and gifts to me are: Compassion to help me, Kindness to lavish me with his rich grace, Gentleness as He builds me up and holds me together, Patience with me as I try to walk with him, Forgiveness for falling short, Love – I am dearly loved, that is a treasure for my heart, so I can grow and mature in Him.